UFRJ Lab probe
LABSONDA/IGEO/UFRJ Amanda e Iara, como analistas química da Microssonda Eletrônica e o coordenador do laboratório, o prof. Julio Cezar Mendes. Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil
Sample preparation room. Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
Dr. Isabel Pereira Ludka, now retired, graduated in geology, was the one who led the implantation of the laboratory in the geology department of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Alongside the first two operators in 2010, Amanda Tosi and Sebastião Pedroso. Source: JEOL website. Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
The Jeol and Labsonda team, including managers and electron microscopy expert, Dr. Peter McSuiggen, alongside Dr. Isabel. Source: JEOL website. Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
The illustrious visit of the chief scientist of the NASA team, responsible for analyzing the lunar rocks brought by the Apollo missions, besides being one of the creators of the analysis of EDS (Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy), he is also one of the world's greatest meteorite experts. Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
Receiving the visit of Klaus Keil at Labsonda. Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
LABSONDA/IGEO/UFRJ Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
LABSONDA/IGEO/UFRJ Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil